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National level


Below you will find recommendations to help assess well-being on the National Level.

Determine: How is well-being taught, managed, and supported on the national level?

01 Step one

How is well-being taught, managed, and supported on the national level?

It is important to have a specific policy in place pertaining to the mental health and well-being of dental health professionals within a national framework. It should clearly communicate priorities and any key actions that will be taken to improve well-being, the resources dedicated to each action, and the key outcomes and targets it intends to achieve.

Below is a table specifying four points that should be evaluated at the national level.

Inclusion of well-being and stress management in the university dental curriculum

  • Identify strategies used to help stressed dental students

Training in stress management for qualified dentists and dental healthcare professionals at a national level

  • Identify training programmes available for dentists on the national or regional level

Production of resources to support the dental team

  • Identify resources available for dentists on the national and international level
  • Identify research which is underway on the national or regional level

Support services for dentists with more severe impacts

  • Identify services available for dentists on the national and international level (i.e., health services, alcohol and drugs consumption and other issues)

Mental health national survey

National surveys have the potential to build a picture of a country’s situation. National mental health surveys for healthcare workers will provide authorities with the information to assess the situation, providing national solutions that will result in appropriate delivery of healthcare to the population.

A national survey for oral healthcare workers should evaluate the scope of the problem and prevalence of mental health issues. Additionally, national authorities should consider the following factors:

Salaries/ financial issues

National regulations

Number of practitioners

Availability of equipment


Scope of practice of dental nurses, hygienist and assistants

Mental health, clinic management and communication strategies in dental curriculum

Employment legislation and flexible working

Gender issues and attitudes

Note: Find examples of National Surveys in the Additional Resources.

Check the next step

Recommendations to advocate and promote change to improve mental health and well-being in dentistry at a national level.
